- Myth: Change takes a long time.
Fact: The fact is we change in an instant. The instant our thinking changes, our behavior and emotions change as well. The challenge is that there is often factors that makes us resist change. - Myth: “I’ve done therapy before and it didn’t work”
Fact: I have heard many of my past clients make statements like this. The truth is that much of therapy these days amounts to schmoozing behind closed doors with the occasional bit of advice. This may feel good in the short-term, but does very little in solving emotional problems. My evidenced-based approach is based on principles that massively increase the motivation and commitment of my clients. We will focus on your goals and do everything needed to achieve your goals, regardless of past results. - Myth: “I have felt better before, but I seem to feel upset again (or relapse)”
Fact: This is common and with some important strategies, I can teach you how to get positive results, long-term. - Myth: “I shouldn’t need to get therapy because I should be able to handle my problems on my own”
Fact: I used to believe this and know of many clients who have told me the same thing. The fact is that we rely on other to help us achieve our goals in many different areas (e.g., mechanics for our cars, coaches to teach us sports, and teachers to help us learn subjects). So why not use a therapist for our emotional goals?? The bottom-line is there are results you desire, and, with the right approach, you can achieve these goals. - Myth: Therapy is too expensive
Fact: This, of course, is a personal decision and only you know your financial situation. That said, there is a cost to not taking action and getting the guidance and coaching from a competent and experienced professional who can help you. Moreover, this recovery or improvement can happen much faster than you thought possible.