Quick Tips on how to find out what’s been troubling you
News flash: Whenever you are feeling upset about a situation in your life, it’s very important to understand that it is Not the situation that is making you upset. It is how you think about the situation that makes you feel upset. This is great news because we can think differently about things that used to upset us. We do Not have to let our thoughts get the best of us!
…it is Not the situation that is making you upset. It is how you think about the situation that makes you feel upset.
If you’ve been feeling upset, try this: First, get out a piece of paper and simply write down a sentence or two about what situation you are upsetting yourself about. Then ask yourself: “What thoughts are making me feel upset about this situation?” If you are like many people you will notice several negative thoughts. Simply, begin to write down each thought in sequential order, labeling each thought in numerical order. Wallah! You now know what thoughts are troubling you. These are the thoughts that have been “getting the best of you” and now you are in a far better position to deal with these thoughts and the situation. Better yet, you have greater insight in a matter of minutes compared to taking weeks (or months) which is typical of most talk therapies.
Some of you may have had difficulties isolating what specific thoughts you are struggling with and this is normal. This, like many things, takes a bit of skill and practice. I would be happy to help you unearth how to unearth your own challenging or negative thoughts so you can free yourself of them.
If you did uncover your negative thoughts, you may be naturally wondering, “Well, how do I get rid of them so I can feel good?” This is an excellent question. I would love to talk more about how we can, together, crush your negative thoughts or beliefs. If you are committed and willing to put in some work, I believe it is only a matter of time before you start to change your thinking.
So are you ready for the next step? How will it feel when you begin to feel better?