Are You Suffering from Fear and Anxiety or Chronic Worry?

Do you often feel anxious, scared, worry or feel that your anxiety is holding you back from succeeding or breaking through? Anxiety is associated with many different symptoms including: frequent worries, fear of the future, nervousness, panic attacks, racing heart, sweating not brought on my heat, feeling weak or tired, and difficulty concentrating. But by far the biggest complaint Sean hears from is clients is feeling imprisoned by their anxiety and not being able to live their lives to the fullest. If you have ever felt that your fears, anxiety, or nerves have gotten the best of you the good news is that there are SOLUTIONS!

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Here are some common fears and anxieties that people have:

  • Chronic Worry
  • Anxiety Attacks
  • Fears and Phobias
  • Shyness
  • Test Anxiety
  • Public speaking
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Hypochondriasis (irrational health concerns)
  • Anxieties about your appearance
  • Fears of leaving the house alone (agoraphobia)

You are Not Alone

Anxiety is a very common mental health problem that affects millions of people. Anxiety is so common that Generalized Anxiety Disorder (i.e., consistent worry) is the most common of all mental health diagnoses. Therapy can help you overcome it!

An Evidence-based Approach that Works-Long term!

The great news is that, in the vast majority of cases, anxiety can be treated effectively with the right approach. Sean uses an evidence-based approach called cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) which has an enormous amount of research supporting its effectiveness.
You CAN reduce or eliminate your symptoms of anxiety. The vast majority of Sean’s client’s who follow his simple method find relief or recover completely.

How good is it going to feel when you no longer feel anxious?

How Good will it Feel When You are Free from your Anxiety?

What to Expect from Therapy

Your therapist will take some time to understand the specific issues that you are dealing with. He will ensure to actively listen in a non-judgmental way to gather information about your current troubles so that plan can be developed in order to help you break through your anxiety. Whatever the anxiety problem is your therapist will develop a specific and unique plan that is tailored to best fit you.

Who will be the first person who notices when you are no longer anxious?

How long Should Therapy Take?

This unique and powerful approach to treating anxiety problems works differently, person to person. There are many factors that impact the speed of recover from anxiety, in particular, the client’s own motivation to work hard and get better. However, one major benefit to Sean’s approach to psychotherapy is the speed by which client’s achieve results: The majority of Sean’s client recover from their anxiety before 16 sessions and some find full recovery in a matter of 2 to 6 sessions. Conversely, and unfortunately, psychotherapy can be very time consuming. A 2012 Journal of Psychiatric Research article reported that the vast majority of patients do not recover until more than 50 sessions! This not only a major investment in money, but also time. This approach is purposely focused on fast and effective change.

Why Me (instead of another therapist)?

Because I promise to…

  1. hear you out without judgment and do my absolute best to understand you
  2. use the most effective tools to inspire you and keep your motivation high until you reach your goals for therapy
  3. use an evidence-based approach that is scientific and works
  4. learn and grow as a professional and as your therapist
  5. bring my passion to each and every session
  6. never give up and to keep working with you till you reach your goals!

Typical questions about therapy and counseling for anxiety…

Does this approach actually help treat anxiety?

Answer:   In the vast majority of cases, using this approach (cognitive-behavioral therapy) with clients who are motivated and committed produces quick and effective results.

What happens if anxiety goes untreated?

Answer:  Results can vary; however, generally, people with significant anxiety problems rarely get better without treatment.

My understanding is that cognitive-behavioral therapy asks the client to be active in making changes in therapy. Why won’t just talking about my anxiety help?

Answer:  Almost always, people who suffer from anxiety are not dealing with something that needs to be addressed.  Facing your fears and changing your thinking is an active process and will bring about the relief you desire.

What is the root cause of anxiety problems?

Answer:  To some extent, all humans feel anxious from time to time.  From that perspective, some anxiety is part of being human. However, an anxiety disorder is disempowering and disturbing to the individual suffering from it. While certainly factors such as genetics and environment play a role, unhealthy thoughts or beliefs seems to be at the root of anxiety problems.  This is great news because there are excellent ways to change our thinking-long term!

Can my anxiety problem be cured?

Answer:  The truth is that while it is perfectly normal to get anxious from time to time, disempowering or disturbing anxiety is detrimental to emotional well-being.  The excellent news is that with an evidenced-based approach such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, you can find relief, long-term, even, perhaps, for a lifetime.

Do you use any other approaches other than cognitive-behavioral therapy?

Answer:  Absolutely, Yes!  While my expertise and main approach is cognitive-behavioral therapy, I use an array of different techniques and approaches from different schools of psychotherapy in order to bring about speedy recovery.

Common Myths vs. Facts

Myth: Change takes a long time.

Fact: The fact is we change in an instant. The instant our thinking changes, our behavior and emotions change as well. The challenge is that there is often factors that makes us resist change.

Myth: “I’ve done therapy before and it didn’t work”

Fact: I have heard many of my past clients make statements like this. The truth is that much of therapy these days amounts to schmoozing behind closed doors with the occasional bit of advice. This may feel good in the short-term, but does very little in solving emotional problems. My evidenced-based approach is based on principles that massively increase the motivation and commitment of my clients. We will focus on your goals and do everything needed to achieve your goals, regardless of past results.

Myth: “I have felt better before, but I seem to feel upset again (or relapse)”

Fact: This is common and with some important strategies, I can teach you how to get positive results, long-term.

Myth: “I shouldn’t need to get therapy because I should be able to handle my problems on my own”

Fact: I used to believe this and know of many clients who have told me the same thing. The fact is that we rely on other to help us achieve our goals in many different areas (e.g., mechanics for our cars, coaches to teach us sports, and teachers to help us learn subjects). So why not use a therapist for our emotional goals?? The bottom-line is there are results you desire, and, with the right approach, you can achieve these goals.

Myth: Therapy is too expensive

Fact: This, of course, is a personal decision and only you know your financial situation. That said, there is a cost to not taking action and getting the guidance and coaching from a competent and experienced professional who can help you. Moreover, this recovery or improvement can happen much faster than you thought possible.